About us

We are the only family school with a history of over 35 years, the result of the expression of one of the longest-lived regenerative communities in the World!

The school of the world to come

Joyfulchildren learning by playing in nature, teachers filled with love and care in their eyes, and the beauty of discovering the world by traveling together.”

Patrizia Scanu, a researcher, teacher, author, therapist, and great opinion leader in the field of alternative education shares with us her impression after visiting us.

Find out what he thinks about LiberSchool in this short excerpt!

Our Story

LiberSchool was born from a dream: to plant the seed of a new society. We look to the children of today as the adults of tomorrow. We recognize their being pioneers, carriers of knowledge and experience in the world to come.

That is why we chose to walk together with them in this dream since 1985, offering the teachings of a community life experience called Damanhur. There we planted the first seed: to know the world, through one’s senses, one’s experience, nurturing curiosity and enchantment, self-knowledge to then, as adults, know how to choose who to be and what to do.

LiberSchool dreams of sharing the same world with you, inviting you to nurture this seed in your own unique and irreplaceable way.

Are you ready to explore this Freedom in you and with us?

Our team

As adults who accompany learning, we conceive of ourselves as role models in constant personal growth. We aspire to be consistent, learning together with our students through experience.

We invite you to research yourself by observing with curiosity what is different. We do not have a human centric view, but we believe that we are part of a manifold reality, inside and outside of us.

We like to recognize the sacred in life, nurture enchantment and be fascinated by magic. Knowing how to make sense of things by applying logic and intuition. This allows us to participate in life as protagonists, contributing to its development, each with our own original point of view.

APS - Associazione di Promozione Sociale (Italian non-profit)

We are a non-profit association because our passion goes beyond just education. We are committed to creating and offering inclusive and culturally integrated experiences, developing and supporting nationally and internationally, the education, instruction and training of even teachers and parents based on a spiritual and holistic view of the individual and life.

This, allows us to host and host events and trainings, where experience and growth are concepts extended even and especially to older people!